just go tohttp://web.airtelworld.be3 a.com/mcampussms.html?&mobile_no=91 **********&msg=put ur massage here &user=tribe&password=tribe&prefix=mCampus&suffix=mCampus..And put destination airtel number in number place aftaer 91 Massage must sent.but remember its a html massage.so u ve to use url encodes like for massage space use and for . Use %2 e etc. hit thanks if u like.and it works.tried yesterday...IT SUPPORT 999 CARRECTER SMS.TO USE IT FREE FRM AIRTEL LIVE SETTING FIRS T GO TO wap.google.com/gwt/x and WHEN THE PAGE OPENS PUT THE ABOVE LINK THERE AND PRESS GO.MASSAGE MUST SENT.. 1000 % woRK----------------It IS SPecIAl BEcaUSe:1. its support full carecter sms2. its free to surf frm airtel live setting by using above trick.if u already nt using free net3. it fully hide ur number4. its very fast to delevar.bcs its the secret link of airtel mobile campus chat5. IT CAN SEND SMS TO ALL INDIAN AIRTEL NUMBER.IT VERY GOOD TO SPAM.JUST REFRESH THE 'MASSAGE SENT' PAGE AND UR MASSAGE WILL BE SENT AGAIN AND AGAIN.6. NO NEED TO BE A REGISTERED MEMBER F M CAMPUS TO BE SEND AND RECEIVE..Enj0 y!!!link http://web.airtelworld.be3a.com/mcampussms.html? &mobile_no=91**********&msg=put%20ur%20massage%20here%20&user=tribe&password=tribe&prefix=mCampus&suffix=mCampus